RBWM Financial Inclusion Officers
Each year, numerous benefits and various forms of support remain unclaimed. Our goal is to enhance the income of those impacted and alleviate some of the associated pressures.
We provide FREE, unbiased, and confidential advice and support to all residents within the borough.
If you would like to discuss your income with a dedicated officer, please email financial.inclusion@rbwm.gov.uk and an appointment can be arranged. Appointments take place in person or over the phone.
How we can help:
We can carry out checks to find out what benefits or grants you may be entitled to and help you apply.
We can check you’re getting the right amount of benefits.
We can help you fill out Personal Independence Forms, Attendance Allowance Forms, and Blue Badge Forms
We can find out if you qualify for council tax support and complete the online application form if you do
We can carry out Home Visits to help housebound clients
We signpost to relevant organisations we know would be able to support a client in areas where we do not have the expertise
We can carry out Pension Credit calculations and help complete the online claim form or by phone.
We can complete a referral to Citizens Advice East Berkshire for fuel vouchers and apply for urgent fuel vouchers. Fuel vouchers are only available to people on prepayment meter.
If we completed the original claim form for you, we can help with challenging, through Mandatory reconsideration, a Personal Independence or Attendance Allowance application that has been turned down.
We can issue food vouchers for Maidenhead Foodshare and Windsor Foodshare
What we can't do:
We cannot give debt advice as we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
We cannot help with appealing a Personal Independence or Attendance Allowance application that has been turned down after a Mandatory Reconsideration.
We cannot issue fuel vouchers.
We cannot give out cash vouchers.