RBWM Staff Forum

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Welcome to RBWM Staff Forum, why not join the conversation in the forum below, post your ideas and questions.

We've already got some great clubs and networks at RBWM but perhaps you'd like to start something new? Contact ambassadors@rbwm.gov.uk to get your club added to this page.

RBWM Clubs

Book club - Alison Singleton alison.singleton@rbwm.gov.uk

Badminton club at Braywick Sports Centre (Baylis Theatre) - Wed 6pm-7pm - James sends a weekly email with places allocated on a first come, first served basis (£3.50 per player). Court shoes required, racquets can be hired. Contact James Gray james.gray@rbwm.gov.uk to be added to the distribution list.

Local Clubs

Maidenhead Athletic Club Maidenhead Athletic Club (maidenheadac.org) a friendly running club based at Braywick

Employee Networks

Staff Ambassadors - ambassadors@rbwm.gov.uk

EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Network - Ellen McManus-Fry ellen.mcmanus-fry@rbwm.gov.uk

Wellbeing Advocates - Yoko Lai yoko.lai@rbwm.gov.uk

Menopause Advocates - Yoko Lai yoko.lai@rbwm.gov.uk

Welcome to RBWM Staff Forum, why not join the conversation in the forum below, post your ideas and questions.

We've already got some great clubs and networks at RBWM but perhaps you'd like to start something new? Contact ambassadors@rbwm.gov.uk to get your club added to this page.

RBWM Clubs

Book club - Alison Singleton alison.singleton@rbwm.gov.uk

Badminton club at Braywick Sports Centre (Baylis Theatre) - Wed 6pm-7pm - James sends a weekly email with places allocated on a first come, first served basis (£3.50 per player). Court shoes required, racquets can be hired. Contact James Gray james.gray@rbwm.gov.uk to be added to the distribution list.

Local Clubs

Maidenhead Athletic Club Maidenhead Athletic Club (maidenheadac.org) a friendly running club based at Braywick

Employee Networks

Staff Ambassadors - ambassadors@rbwm.gov.uk

EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Network - Ellen McManus-Fry ellen.mcmanus-fry@rbwm.gov.uk

Wellbeing Advocates - Yoko Lai yoko.lai@rbwm.gov.uk

Menopause Advocates - Yoko Lai yoko.lai@rbwm.gov.uk

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
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Page last updated: 30 Sep 2024, 09:56 AM