Allen's field graffiti removal

Every month RBWM facilitate conservation volunteers at Allen's field in Ascot. This month we were removing graffiti from some caterpillar lifecycle sculptures in the reserve. We used a mixture of sanding and painting to refresh the area.
As well as this we conducted a small grassland survey. We found sweet vernal-grass, red fescue, cock's foot, field wood-rush and the evocatively named and very lovely yorkshire fog. The following wildflower plants were noted, all in quite a small area: common mouse-ear, creeping cinquefoil, red clover, birds foot trefoil, common vetch, meadow buttercup, dandelion and ribwort plantain. We plan to carry out a more systematic survey next month when there will be more in flower, making them easier to identify.
If you're interested in volunteering yourself please email for more information.

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