You said, we did
Clewer & Dedworth West World Café – Outcomes
Sports Facilities
Innovation Funding – The RBWM Innovation Fund Project was flagged as a means to develop these ideas. The participant who wants an outside netball post in Clewer and Dedworth West will be liaising with the team and making an application. It was also suggested that new gym memberships for younger people (esp. teenagers) be implemented to support their health and wellbeing.
Shops and Leisure
Economic Growth Team - Would like to see a variety of shops, including more affordable brands like Primark. Multiple participants agreed that a cinema should be set up. Would also like more access to green spaces. These ideas make a good addition to the Vision for Windsor project and can be submitted on RBWM Together.
Community Safety
The Community Wardens acted as a stand holder at the event and provided guidance and materials on the theme of safety.
Infrastructure Team – although this is a wider infrastructure issue and it is difficult to address these concerns with community-based solutions, the feedback has been relayed to our RBWM Infrastructure team.
Partnership - between RBWM and NHS to ensure adequate service provision Windsor Services (this will be fed back to the NHS teams).
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