Blokes Losing Timber has been a Long Walk

(Video wouldn't add to this page for some reason... click here or on image above to watch me read out the report below... thank you.)

When I saw the opportunity for funding for innovative ideas back in the spring of 2022 I just had to submit an application.

I’d been working at Tescos since Covid impacted all our worlds and had been looking for a project to engage my creative energies. Looking in the mirror, I knew I needed to do something about my weight and I’m not alone ;)

My original idea brought together healthy eating, expert support and regular meetups to help blokes lose some timber, BLT for short.

I made the application on this basis and used a chunk of the funding on professional design. I am comfortable with wordpress and content creation, design requires specialist skills and so they were bought in and a logo and imagery created to lay professional foundations and we launched a website.

In the summer of 2022 I organised 3 meetings, in 3 different locations based on venue, ease of parking, time of day and pushed out an invitation to attend via social media.

Over 1000 views were had of my blog posts but while there was interest in finding out more and ladies suggesting it to their blokes, no-one turned up for any of the meetings!

I stuck to it, I searched Google for local experts in health, fitness, diet, nutrition, etc and reached out to over 30 organisations and individuals locally… 3 stepped up to the plate.

I did video interviews with a nutritionist, a gym owner and a mental health / fitness coach and posted them on the blog, sharing them via youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc

I approached local restaurants about doing healthy eating options, the BLT meal deal. A few showed interest but wanted to know the level of membership and so this didn’t gain traction.

Having run my own business in the past, I’ve learned it’s no good just ploughing on with what you believe is the right way forward if others don’t join you… so I took time to reflect.

I brought it back to basics and focused on the walking. Walking groups had taken off in other areas and so I went with BLT Walk & Talk. Created 3 walking options, different days, locations, times in Windsor and launched it.

Launching in June 2023 we’ve had attendance at all the walks, with 2 attendees on the last walk. 7 people have registered interest and this approach appears to have more legs

On further reflection I have changed the name again, taking out the BLT aspect as this may prevent slimmer blokes from joining in.

WIth other commitments coming my way I am now looking to promote this as a monthly walk on the first Thursday of the month, starting in August.

We meet at The Two Brewers at 10am and walk to the Copper Horse and back. On our return we’ll enjoy a pint or a cup of tea, whatever is our preferred refreshment.

We’ll walk & talk and from small acorns, we’ll see how this grows over the coming months.

I hope to report that The Long Walk becomes a most popular monthly event for local blokes.

Thank you.


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