Odd One Out Update

Odd One out have had a great 2023! We have managed to engage young people through talks about careers, identity and resilience. Our focus throughout the year has been especially on Mental Health as we feel that this is still a stigma within various communities.

Odd One Out participated and co-organised a tournament with professional footballers to engage corporates and communities in coming together through Football. We even made an appearance on Sky Sports and have the support of current professional footballer Steven Caulker. The Odd One out team even made it to the quarter-finals!

Our engaging talks about social isolation and loneliness with young people with a touch of comedy throughout the year have been received well. We have a strong plan going forward into 2024 with regular sports tournaments and community outreach. Our aim now is to consistently help the community around us to keep engaged through more activities and workshops.

We are looking to build on our existing network and create more connections for the year to come!

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