Soup with Housing Solutions

Over the 6 months our project ran we have been thrilled to see so many residents from across our schemes come together and share soup, chat and make friends. We have held 12 sessions overall, and will re-launch in September when the weather gets cold again!

181 people came along over the sessions (which is made up of around 75 indivduals). We also had 2 lovely volunteers join us for all the sessions, helping not only make the soup but most importantly clear up afterwards. In total around 86 volunteer hours were given to the project. We also had an amazing group of around 10 more mobile residnets that came along to all of them and loved meeting new people.

Some comments from our attendees...

“I really enjoyed coming to the soup sessions as it was lovely to socialise with other people and have some company and also I really enjoyed the soup. I would really like this event to happen again as I really enjoyed it.”

“I enjoyed the preparation of the soup. The soups were delicious, also being shown how to use the soup maker. It was nice to meet other people and have a chat”

“Socialising with other people is key. The wellbeing information and education is important to me and the soups are delicious”

“I think the soup sessions are really enjoyable. I love to sit around the table with others, chatting, chopping and preparing the veg (unless its onions). And then trying soups with a nice crusty roll.”

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