For any client returning about an on-going issue, please call 01628 674 842. Leave a message on the answering machine giving your name, date of birth, post code, and phone number, so that CAEB can find your notes and arrange for an adviser to call you.
Carers - Community Support & Activities
Adult Social Care
If you're an adult carer (over the age of 18) in RBWM, we may be able to provide you with support.
Our adult social care staff will offer you advice and guidance to help you with your caring responsibilities and help you look after your own wellbeing.
You may also be eligible for support, such as a direct payment to spend on the things that make caring easier; or practical support, like arranging for someone to step in when you need a short break, known as respite care.
Respite care is important to both Carer and the cared for person. For the Carer it provides a break from their normal caring routine. For the cared for person it is an opportunity to enjoy a different environment or activity while receiving the care they need.
You may just prefer to be put in touch with local support groups, so you have people to talk to.
You can also complete our Carers Self Assessment form to help you and your social care coordinator work out what your needs are in relation to your caring role, and what outcomes you would like to achieve by having support.
For more information, including a Carers Assessment Form and a referral form, please contact the adult social care front door team.
Call: 01628 683 744 or email
You can also complete our Carers Referral form online.
Family Action
If you're a young carer (under the age of 18) in RBWM, Family Action are able to provide support.
By law, all young carers are entitled to a Young Carers Assessment to ensure the right support is in place for their own development whilst balancing the needs of the person they care for. It is important to acknowledge young carers and let them know of their rights, even if they choose not to have a formal Young Carers Assessment. Young Carers so often describe themselves as feeling invisible in their roles. Yet, carers need care too.
Family Action provide a full Young Carer Needs Assessment and a bespoke support plan to Young Carers between the ages of 5 – 18 years old. If a young person requires support with their caring role, their Young Carer Practitioners will work actively to ensure caring roles are at a safe and healthy level and that those who are being cared for receive appropriate and timely care and support.
Additional support could include:
- One-to-one sessions
- Young Carers wellbeing programme
- Family sessions
- Parent/Carer support
- Referrals and signposting to external services
- Representation at professionals meetings
- Professionals training
- Young Carers’ Ambassadors Programme
For more information about Family Action, including how to make a referral and access a Young Carers Needs Assessment, please visit their website.
Family Action Young Carers
Maidenhead Project Centre
Reform Road
Maidenhead SL6 8BY
Carers Groups
Co-ordinated by Age UK and Sunningdale Parish Council, Welcoming & supporting carers in Sunningdale is a free monthly carers group that meets for a coffee and a chat in Sunningdale, Ascot. Professionals are regularly invited to join carers to share useful information and advice.
Meetings take place every 3rd Thursday of the month at:
Dormy House Care Home, Ridgemount Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, SL5 9RL.
Contact: or call Steve Sansom on 07585 793069
For more information, please visit the Age UK Berkshire website.
Learning Disability Partnership Board Carers Support Group
Do you live in RBWM and care for an adult with a learning disability?
At the Learning Disability Partnership Board host an online Parent/ Carer Support Group.
The group provides friendship, knowledge, and support in a safe space where Carers set the agenda and are free to talk openly about their experiences.
Other Carers have said: “The group is a great way of engaging with other parent/carers with the same issues/ dilemmas.”
“The group has also provided great support and service by inviting different professionals to give more insight into the ways things work and how social care is affected by reduced amount of government funding."
If you or someone you know would like to join us, please contact, Caroline Waites from The Advocacy People at:
The group meet online once a month, on a Wednesday 12.30pm and 1.30pm.
Dementia Care
Our friendly and supportive team of Dementia Care Advisors are here to act as a key point of contact to help you and your family or carers to live well with dementia, covering the Windsor and Maidenhead areas. We work closely with a wide range of local services across Berkshire to help you remain independent for as long as possible.
To find out more about the team and how they can help support you, please visit the Dementia Care page.
Phone: 01628 683715
The Advocacy People
The Advocacy People is an independent charity that specialises in the provision of advocacy and related services. They provide support through well-trained advocates who enable their clients to express themselves, ensuring that everyone who uses health and social care services can have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. The Advocacy People are able to provide support with NHS complaints, mental health, Care, Support and Safeguarding (Care Act), advocacy for people who lack capacity, community, peer and citizens advocacy, and self-advocacy groups.
See the The Advocacy People website for further information.
Carers Trust
Carers Trust offers lots of information and advice about being a carer in the UK. Their website contains useful resources and includes policy and activism advice. Find out about the emotional, practical and financial support available to you, on the Carers Trust website.
Carers UK
Are you looking after someone?
Carers UK have a range of resources for carers including factsheets, interactive guides, and information about technology and equipment.
Visit for more information.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice East Berkshire (CAEB) are able to provide free, impartial and confidential advice on a range of topics including debt & tax, legal issues, immigration support, consumer rights, benefits, relationships etc.
Telephone Helpline: 0808 278 7914 (freephone)
Open Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
In Person Visit:
4 Marlow Road
Drop in times: Monday 10.00am – 12.00pm and Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00pm.
Clients are seen on a first come first served basis, subject to Adviser availability.
Community Information Hub
If you want to learn about more about community groups, events and activities in RBWM, please visit the Community Information Hub. This page allows you to search for information via an interactive map and also through key topics.
Innovation Fund
Since 2022, we've been working closely with our communities to develop solutions to local problems. Thanks to support from the council and NHS Frimley, we've funded 47 projects (and counting!) that promote health and wellbeing in RBWM. One of the focuses of the 2024/2025 round of funding is projects that support unpaid carers.
To find out more about these projects and how to get involved, please visit our the Innovation Fund webpage.
RBWM's libraries are a great source of information and advice for carers, hosting a variety of clubs and events and providing residents with access to a range of online resources.
To find out about the latest events and activities on in libraries across the borough, please visit the council website.
If you sign up for a free library card, you can access online resources, such as eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers and films from the comfort of your own home.
Our librarians can help you with a range of issues and signpost you towards useful resources and organisations. If you need help, please visit your local library and ask for help.
Adult Learning
There are lots of opportunities to acquire and develop skills and learning in RBWM.
Community Learning and Skills Service (CLaSS) offers courses such as:
- ESOL (English for speakers of other languages);
- English;
- Maths;
- Digital Skills;
- Employability;
- Health and wellbeing
Multiply is a free government funded programme aimed at helping adults to improve their numeracy skills. The courses are set to cater for varying degrees of ability including beginners and those who want to gain qualifications like a GCSE or Functional Skills Qualifications.
To be eligible, you must be age 19+ and not have an GSCE maths grade at grade C or the equivalent.
To register, please visit the Multiply website. You can also email for advice.
Social Prescribers
A social prescriber can help you with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs, focused on improving your mental and physical wellbeing.
They can provide advice and connect you with groups in your community. Examples include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports.
If you think you might find this advice useful please speak to your GP surgery.
Local Community Directories
If you're looking for information about events and activities taking place in Windsor and Maidenhead, you can use our community directories. Each directory includes information about a range of groups and activities taking place, including sports, arts, socialising and much more.
Windsor Directory: Windsor Directory of Community Groups and Charities (External Link)
Maidenhead Directory: Maidenhead Directory – Sharing information on Community Groups and Charities (External link)
If you would like a hard copy of either directory, you can find information on their websites.
A directory for Ascot is currently in development.