Preparing plans for South West Maidenhead development area

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The council is inviting the community to help inform plans for a major development area, known as South West Maidenhead, which will bring forward which will bring forward new homes, community facilities, infrastructure, employment space and improved public access to green space.

South West Maidenhead will meet, in a managed way, a significant proportion of the borough’s future housing needs, delivering a sustainable new urban extension as part of Maidenhead’s regeneration and guarding against speculative Green Belt development across the borough.

With the Borough Local Plan adopted at Full Council last month, the next step for South West Maidenhead is producing a site-specific Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), building upon the vision and policy already set out in the Borough Local Plan, to provide more detailed advice to guide the determination of future planning applications.

Once finalised, the SPD will help ensure developers bring forward applications for high quality, coordinated and comprehensive development that is supported by the required infrastructure, and meets community needs and aspirations around housing, community facilities, connectivity, sustainability and the environment.

To get involved and find out more, please attend one or more of three themed online events, where you will also be able to submit live questions:

• Community Needs – Wednesday 30th March 2022, 6.30pm

• Connectivity – Wednesday 6th April 2022, 6.30pm

• Sustainability and the Environment – Wednesday 13th April 2022, 7.15pm (please note later start time)

The council is inviting the community to help inform plans for a major development area, known as South West Maidenhead, which will bring forward which will bring forward new homes, community facilities, infrastructure, employment space and improved public access to green space.

South West Maidenhead will meet, in a managed way, a significant proportion of the borough’s future housing needs, delivering a sustainable new urban extension as part of Maidenhead’s regeneration and guarding against speculative Green Belt development across the borough.

With the Borough Local Plan adopted at Full Council last month, the next step for South West Maidenhead is producing a site-specific Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), building upon the vision and policy already set out in the Borough Local Plan, to provide more detailed advice to guide the determination of future planning applications.

Once finalised, the SPD will help ensure developers bring forward applications for high quality, coordinated and comprehensive development that is supported by the required infrastructure, and meets community needs and aspirations around housing, community facilities, connectivity, sustainability and the environment.

To get involved and find out more, please attend one or more of three themed online events, where you will also be able to submit live questions:

• Community Needs – Wednesday 30th March 2022, 6.30pm

• Connectivity – Wednesday 6th April 2022, 6.30pm

• Sustainability and the Environment – Wednesday 13th April 2022, 7.15pm (please note later start time)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This initial stage of preparing the SPD involves exploring with the community key considerations and sharing some early thinking on different elements of what might be included in the document. Feedback will be assessed, along with the thoughts of technical and statutory stakeholders, to inform a draft document scheduled for public consultation in the summer.

    Please add your comments on the section of each theme (Community Needs, Connectivity, Sustainability and Environment) relevant to the online events that have taken place in the boxes below. Alternatively, please add your comments to all three sections after all three online events have taken place.

    The closing date is 27th April 2022.

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 28 Apr 2022, 12:02 PM