Vision for Windsor

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The Windsor community and wider Royal Borough are invited to help shape a compelling vision for how they’d like Windsor town centre to evolve over the next 20-plus years.

The Vision for Windsor project began in May, when the Royal Borough partnered with the Prince’s Foundation to support them through an Enquiry by Design (EbD) process to establish the 'Vision for Windsor'. This process engages residents, community groups, businesses, and others in creating a shared view of where Windsor should be heading as a high-quality, distinctive and sustainable place to live, work, spend leisure time and do business.

The Prince’s Foundation have significant experience of implementing their EbD process of community-led planning, which made them the perfect partner for the project.

Through the engagement process, which includes stakeholder workshops and online engagement activities, key themes will be identified which encapsulates the thoughts and ideas of the community. The themes will start to form the bases of a visioning document which will complement existing strategic plans and guide future decisions and collective energies of the Council and potentially a range of partners.

Find out more about the project so far by clicking on the 'Vision for Windsor information (August 2022)' under the 'key documents' section.

Get involved and have your say

UPDATE AT 1 NOV: A public survey closed on Sunday 16th October and is no longer available.

As part of analysing the feedback and developing a visioning document for Windsor two public drop-in workshops have been arranged on 10th and 12th November at Windsor Library. These sessions will provide an opportunity to comment on the key themes and ideas emerging from the survey and partner workshop, and to share any further ideas or thoughts.

However if you are unable to attend either of the workshops please click on the “Feedback” button below to provide any further comments or suggestions you have. NEW COMMENT AT 16 NOV - This option has now been extended until the end of the year.

Please check the document – “Vision for Windsor Exhibition as shown at 10th & 12th Nov Public Sessions” – under the Key Documents section. These slides were displayed at the Public Drop In Workshops and are the most current materials.

You can also email us at


The below has been communicated to all stakeholders - please check the materials under the Feb 2023 Updates section on this page for more information.

Vision for Windsor adopted – thank you and next steps

The Vision for Windsor was approved by the Royal Borough’s Cabinet last night, shaped through a major programme of engagement with the community itself. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed so far and look forward to progressing our next steps.

Last year, the council worked with The Prince’s Foundation charity to involve residents, community groups, businesses and others in creating a shared view of where Windsor town centre should be heading over the next 20-plus years as a high-quality, distinctive and sustainable place to live, work, spend leisure time and do business.

The Prince’s Foundation led a programme of stakeholder engagement, implementing their Enquiry-by-Design process to engage a wide range of community and stakeholder representatives. Through stakeholder workshops, public drop-in sessions and online surveys and tools, a number of commonly occurring themes were identified that led to the development of a long-term strategic vision.

A vibrant vision and key themes

The vision for “A Vibrant Future for Windsor - An attractive, thriving and welcoming town for the local and global community” is supported by five vision statements, alongside potential strategies and actions for their delivery.

The key themes and vision statements are:

  • The Local Community – Create a thriving local economy of business and community partnerships that benefit from Windsor’s global brand
  • The Global Community – Deliver a world class visitor experience supported by a strong, diverse, and resilient hospitality sector
  • Transport and Movement - Develop sustainable, convenient, and affordable travel options to travel into Windsor town centre for both residents and visitors
  • The Built Environment – Protect and enhance the heritage, character and identity of Windsor
  • The Natural Environment – Promote, activate, and improve access to natural assets and resources.

The next steps…

As the next step we will prioritise actions within each theme and establish working groups to drive some of the actions, with several projects designed and delivered with communities. This activity will take place during March and April with the publishing of plans and membership of working groups agreed and shared by the end of Q2.

It should be noted that we are already progressing several public realm improvement projects such as:

  • Platinum Jubilee Fountain – installation took place in Feb 2023
  • Castle Hill pedestrian improvement scheme – work starts March 2023
  • Windsor Footbridge (Coach Car Park) – work starts spring/summer 2023
  • Welcome to Windsor – public realm, signage, wayfinding to enhance our resident & visitor experience

We will continue to communicate with you via email and on the RBWM Together page at

The Windsor community and wider Royal Borough are invited to help shape a compelling vision for how they’d like Windsor town centre to evolve over the next 20-plus years.

The Vision for Windsor project began in May, when the Royal Borough partnered with the Prince’s Foundation to support them through an Enquiry by Design (EbD) process to establish the 'Vision for Windsor'. This process engages residents, community groups, businesses, and others in creating a shared view of where Windsor should be heading as a high-quality, distinctive and sustainable place to live, work, spend leisure time and do business.

The Prince’s Foundation have significant experience of implementing their EbD process of community-led planning, which made them the perfect partner for the project.

Through the engagement process, which includes stakeholder workshops and online engagement activities, key themes will be identified which encapsulates the thoughts and ideas of the community. The themes will start to form the bases of a visioning document which will complement existing strategic plans and guide future decisions and collective energies of the Council and potentially a range of partners.

Find out more about the project so far by clicking on the 'Vision for Windsor information (August 2022)' under the 'key documents' section.

Get involved and have your say

UPDATE AT 1 NOV: A public survey closed on Sunday 16th October and is no longer available.

As part of analysing the feedback and developing a visioning document for Windsor two public drop-in workshops have been arranged on 10th and 12th November at Windsor Library. These sessions will provide an opportunity to comment on the key themes and ideas emerging from the survey and partner workshop, and to share any further ideas or thoughts.

However if you are unable to attend either of the workshops please click on the “Feedback” button below to provide any further comments or suggestions you have. NEW COMMENT AT 16 NOV - This option has now been extended until the end of the year.

Please check the document – “Vision for Windsor Exhibition as shown at 10th & 12th Nov Public Sessions” – under the Key Documents section. These slides were displayed at the Public Drop In Workshops and are the most current materials.

You can also email us at


The below has been communicated to all stakeholders - please check the materials under the Feb 2023 Updates section on this page for more information.

Vision for Windsor adopted – thank you and next steps

The Vision for Windsor was approved by the Royal Borough’s Cabinet last night, shaped through a major programme of engagement with the community itself. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed so far and look forward to progressing our next steps.

Last year, the council worked with The Prince’s Foundation charity to involve residents, community groups, businesses and others in creating a shared view of where Windsor town centre should be heading over the next 20-plus years as a high-quality, distinctive and sustainable place to live, work, spend leisure time and do business.

The Prince’s Foundation led a programme of stakeholder engagement, implementing their Enquiry-by-Design process to engage a wide range of community and stakeholder representatives. Through stakeholder workshops, public drop-in sessions and online surveys and tools, a number of commonly occurring themes were identified that led to the development of a long-term strategic vision.

A vibrant vision and key themes

The vision for “A Vibrant Future for Windsor - An attractive, thriving and welcoming town for the local and global community” is supported by five vision statements, alongside potential strategies and actions for their delivery.

The key themes and vision statements are:

  • The Local Community – Create a thriving local economy of business and community partnerships that benefit from Windsor’s global brand
  • The Global Community – Deliver a world class visitor experience supported by a strong, diverse, and resilient hospitality sector
  • Transport and Movement - Develop sustainable, convenient, and affordable travel options to travel into Windsor town centre for both residents and visitors
  • The Built Environment – Protect and enhance the heritage, character and identity of Windsor
  • The Natural Environment – Promote, activate, and improve access to natural assets and resources.

The next steps…

As the next step we will prioritise actions within each theme and establish working groups to drive some of the actions, with several projects designed and delivered with communities. This activity will take place during March and April with the publishing of plans and membership of working groups agreed and shared by the end of Q2.

It should be noted that we are already progressing several public realm improvement projects such as:

  • Platinum Jubilee Fountain – installation took place in Feb 2023
  • Castle Hill pedestrian improvement scheme – work starts March 2023
  • Windsor Footbridge (Coach Car Park) – work starts spring/summer 2023
  • Welcome to Windsor – public realm, signage, wayfinding to enhance our resident & visitor experience

We will continue to communicate with you via email and on the RBWM Together page at

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
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Page last updated: 15 Jan 2024, 12:19 PM