Sufian Jabbar – Windsor Primary Care Network Lead and GP

Working in partnership with local organisations through the project has provided a platform of information sharing. This offers a richer quality of information which provides great insight into the community and local area. This insight has contributed to the development of the C&D pilot project. I have been able to provide crucial insight about health and wellbeing needs locally. The insight each organisation has contributed has given the project group an opportunity to highlight local determinants of primary care which can’t traditionally be resolved through primary care, such as environmental factors, isolation and loneliness, learning, training, skills and help with employment. Tackling these factors and addressing health inequalities will improve health and wellbeing indicators for patients and prevent the need for primary care.

Further to this being involved in the project with other local organisations has helped the PCN understand what services are available in the community such as employment and skills support. This knowledge provides a richer consultation with patients in terms of conversation which adds another dimension to care, as well as leading to prevention for primary care in the future.

The pandemic has enhanced greater community spirit and has brought the community together to support vulnerable individuals. This has built capacity into the primary care service as the local community are starting to address health and wellbeing demand at a community level, this shows real potential. As a result of the cooperation of the whole community we had an army of volunteers come forwards to help with the vaccination programme.

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