Blokes Losing Timber

Blokes Losing Timber (BLT) is all about helping blokes with their health & wellbeing so they can live happier, potentially more rewarding lives.

There can be a tendency to try and make big changes quickly and this mostly ends in failure and disappointment for the bloke, resulting in falling back to the old behaviours and disappointment in oneself.

BLT uses the Pareto Principle as the foundations which states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. So if our goal is to make a 20% change in our health & wellbeing then we should see massive changes over time. Making a relatively small 20% change will also be more sustainable over the longer term resulting in fewer drop outs and ultimately happier blokes.

With two key areas, health & wellbeing, we have subdivided into Mental Health & Wellbeing which includes Confidence, Happiness and Looking Good. Physical Health which includes Exercise, Food & Drink and Water. We’ll have Events based on face to face and online meetings. The aim will be to talk, laugh and sing (you don’t have to!) which may well involve eating & drinking.

Talking, laughing and singing have all been proven good for your mental health and it’s our job essentially to get you laughing 20% more while eating & drinking 20% less ;)

Are you up for the challenge?

Join and become a BLT Member >>>

Thank you.

We're looking for a graphic designer to help us lay stronger foundations if you know of anyone?

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