Blokes Losing Timber E7 - Clearing away the Obstacles

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Hope you like the backdrop for this video ;)

The area behind me was just full of mainly ivy, covering the first 4-6 of the shed and the whole back area… clearing it as added 3-400 square feet of garden!

I need to now clear the ivy roots from the soil and it’s like clearing the body of all the rubbish we put in. And hopefully the exercise will burn off some of the fat.

I managed to start getting some videos done when I had a few days off work and on reflection, those days were very positive from an intake point of view. I minimised the rubbish and tried to buy fresh good quality food to put in and prepared it with love for my family.

Doing the blogs and videos drove more traffic to my website but also made me more accountable to me and so the net results were better than the days where I didn’t shoot any videos.

Taking time to write more words to go with the videos will hopefully also help get the mind more focused on the task in hand.

I mentioned this idea before but perhaps BLT could help others like me become more accountable to themselves by encouraging others to blog, shoot videos, tweet, whatever social channels you use… make use of them to share what you are trying to achieve.

Good luck with your mission… and do tag us in #blokeslosingtimber

Thank you.


#BLT #blokeslosingtimber #positiveenergy #healthyeating #gardening #exercise #accountability #selfhelp #onestepatatime

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