Limited Mobility Yoga - Feedback Is In

So the reason it took a little longer to update here again was that I had put together a feedback from - and hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak!

Here is a sample of what our lovely 70+ yogis said about the Limited Mobility Yoga (more will be in the case study):

Why did you start yoga?

  • I wanted to try a form of exercise I could cope with which would help my body and mind
  • Needed easier movement exercise after recovering from breast cancer

How do you feel after a few yoga sessions?

  • Happy with classes , wanting to continue
  • I am more aware of my body and I am moving better

Have you noticed a difference in how you feel, good or bad, in body and mind?

  • Felt better after the second session. More alert physically and mentally
  • Has helped with neck tension

What is your favourite thing about the yoga sessions?

  • Teacher has a sunny disposition which is contagious
  • Lovely tutor. No pressure to perform. Small supportive group. Feels comfortable and relaxing environment.

What can we do better?

  • Very satisfied, make sure instructions are loud enough
  • Nothing - carry on with what you do

Would you recommend the limited mobility yoga sessions?

  • Every response said:"YES!!"

Anything else you would like to share?

  • Please keep going with the classes
  • Start the class at 11 and not 10-45!

I love getting this valuable feedback and will take the ideas into account for the next sessions.

Have a great week all!


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