Maidenhead Boundary Walk

After months of trying have recently received permission to use the Environmental Agencies Sign Posts at Boulters Lock to mount my Boundary Walk Information Board.

They not however happy to use the 4 snap lock type of public posters locations on the back of the Board - so I redesigned it so it would not involve any maintenance at all.

I used Michael Bayley's historical map of Maidenhead as the back information.

I worked with Neil Savin and the Civic Society and the East Berks Ramblers - to discover the history of the Boundary Walk - and have produced an updated version of a 1982 ramblers booklet.

The ramblers in 1982 used the walk as the seed corn for a number of short walks using the Boundary as the start point for each walk.

I will endeavour to update those walks - and make them available to the public,

Neil Savin (a boundary stone hunting colleague) has located 30 of the boundary stones by actually probing for and digging around to find four of them. The Borough bought 48 stones in 1934 for 7 shillings and 6 pence each- so its a mystery where the rest of the stones have gone?

I have reflected the known stone locations in the new Boundary Walk map.

Next actions - to obtain RBWM permission to install and to print out the Info Boards on an 5mm Aluminium substrate and spray with anti-graffitti spray.

Then in order to match the existing fixings on the nearby Environment Agency signs - mount the boards on 9mm marine plywood (cutting the plywood to the size of the boards).

Then need to remove the redundant perspex boxes at the back of the sign posts and the locked box at the front of the sign.

Then screwing the new sign boards on the Sign Posts -

I could take the opportunity to renew the staining on the sign post - might experiment with a clear stain - so that the post is just weatherised and does not look too different - so that it matches the existing sign posts.

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