Maidenhead Community Project

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Following the success of our blueprint pilot project, the Embedding Community Response project has now moved to Maidenhead.

The community partners for this project are Youth Engagement Service (YES), Community Learning & Skills Service (CLASS) and Frimley Health & Care Integrated Care System.

So far, our community partners have engaged with other prominent Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) sector within the community, as well as local councillors and residents, to highlight key themes this project will tackle, they are: community empowerment, community safety, physical environment, health & wellbeing, and employment & skills.

A network has been created for each theme to empower individuals from the community to work together and have conversations around each theme. By working collaboratively, they will develop projects to build on existing community resources to shape the local area in ways that matter most to the community.

The regular network meetings will be held via Zoom (see dates below). If you are passionate about where you live and want to help make a difference with our Maidenhead project please email

  • Community empowerment: 25th January at 12-1pm
  • Community safety: TBC
  • Physical environment: 20th December at 12:30-1:30pm
  • Health & wellbeing: 14th December at 10:30am-11:30am
  • Employment & skills: 10th December at 5:30-6:30pm

Following the success of our blueprint pilot project, the Embedding Community Response project has now moved to Maidenhead.

The community partners for this project are Youth Engagement Service (YES), Community Learning & Skills Service (CLASS) and Frimley Health & Care Integrated Care System.

So far, our community partners have engaged with other prominent Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) sector within the community, as well as local councillors and residents, to highlight key themes this project will tackle, they are: community empowerment, community safety, physical environment, health & wellbeing, and employment & skills.

A network has been created for each theme to empower individuals from the community to work together and have conversations around each theme. By working collaboratively, they will develop projects to build on existing community resources to shape the local area in ways that matter most to the community.

The regular network meetings will be held via Zoom (see dates below). If you are passionate about where you live and want to help make a difference with our Maidenhead project please email

  • Community empowerment: 25th January at 12-1pm
  • Community safety: TBC
  • Physical environment: 20th December at 12:30-1:30pm
  • Health & wellbeing: 14th December at 10:30am-11:30am
  • Employment & skills: 10th December at 5:30-6:30pm

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  • Share Community Empowerment Meeting at All Saints Church on Facebook Share Community Empowerment Meeting at All Saints Church on Twitter Share Community Empowerment Meeting at All Saints Church on Linkedin Email Community Empowerment Meeting at All Saints Church link

    Community Empowerment Meeting at All Saints Church

    over 3 years ago
  • Share Pallet Planter Workshop - Maidenhead Physical Environment on Facebook Share Pallet Planter Workshop - Maidenhead Physical Environment on Twitter Share Pallet Planter Workshop - Maidenhead Physical Environment on Linkedin Email Pallet Planter Workshop - Maidenhead Physical Environment link

    Pallet Planter Workshop - Maidenhead Physical Environment

    over 3 years ago

    This workshop grew out of a project idea posted over 2 months ago on this page, under the ‘Ideas’ tab, with a photo of a planter seen in Surrey made from wooden pallets. Those attending the Physical Environment network meetings agreed that this was an innovative way to give old pallets a new life and cultivate green spaces for very little cost. Councillor Donna Stimson and the Green Skills Library kindly offered to deliver a 2-hour workshop at Maidenhead Library for community members.

    It was great to see community members, staff, and volunteers working together!

    We used donated materials (including... Continue reading

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2022, 03:39 PM