Ascot Supplementary Planning Document and Public Realm Improvements

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Working in partnership with the community to shape the future of Ascot.

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead recognises the design of places contributes to the quality of life of the people who live there.

Towns and villages around the UK face various challenges in ensuring safe and sociable environments for the communities who live and work there as well as visitors.

As Ascot considers its own future, retaining and enhancing the identity of the place and ensure it continues to be a home for world-leading events, need to go hand in hand with providing for the every day needs of the community.

The Royal Borough is in the process of preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Ascot. There are 3 parts to this work:

1. Priorities and objectives for the whole of Ascot;

2. Integrating new development in a positive way;

3. High Street improvements

What is the purpose of the Ascot Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?

The Borough Local Plan identifies a requirement to provide an SPD for Ascot.

The Ascot Supplementary Planning Document, once adopted will become a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The next step

Working with the community to prepare the SPD, which will provide more detailed advice to guide developers in shaping planning applications and the council in deciding them, and set out proposals to improve the High Street. The SPD will also help ensure development in the area, and the infrastructure needed to support it, happens in a coordinated and comprehensive way.

Working in partnership with the community to shape the future of Ascot.

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead recognises the design of places contributes to the quality of life of the people who live there.

Towns and villages around the UK face various challenges in ensuring safe and sociable environments for the communities who live and work there as well as visitors.

As Ascot considers its own future, retaining and enhancing the identity of the place and ensure it continues to be a home for world-leading events, need to go hand in hand with providing for the every day needs of the community.

The Royal Borough is in the process of preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Ascot. There are 3 parts to this work:

1. Priorities and objectives for the whole of Ascot;

2. Integrating new development in a positive way;

3. High Street improvements

What is the purpose of the Ascot Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?

The Borough Local Plan identifies a requirement to provide an SPD for Ascot.

The Ascot Supplementary Planning Document, once adopted will become a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The next step

Working with the community to prepare the SPD, which will provide more detailed advice to guide developers in shaping planning applications and the council in deciding them, and set out proposals to improve the High Street. The SPD will also help ensure development in the area, and the infrastructure needed to support it, happens in a coordinated and comprehensive way.

  • Community Engagement Update

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    Early engagement for the Ascot SPD and Public Realm Improvements closed on the 12th April 2024 and we would like to thank everyone that participated by completing the online questionnaire, providing comments in the Ascot Durning Library and/or attending one or both of the workshops. Work is now underway to analyse this feedback so that it can inform the drafting of the Ascot SPD and shape the plan for the Public Realm Improvements.

    If you were unable to attend either of the workshops the presentations are included in the links on the right-hand menu of this page.

    Some ‘Headlines’ from the early engagement activities will be added to this page before the summer.

    Next Steps

    It is the aim of the project team to have prepared a draft SPD with a view to public consultation later in summer of 2024.

  • Community Engagement

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Royal Borough will be holding two Community Workshops to discuss key emerging themes and considerations for the SPD and Ascot’s development.

    It will also be a chance for people to share thoughts and preferences for improving the High Street, strengthening sustainable travel and connectivity for walkers and cyclists with the railway station via Station Hill and with the wider area.

    The workshops will take place at Ascot Racecourse, between 7pm and 9pm, on the evening of the 22nd February 2024 and 26th March 2024.

    These involve facilitated group discussions, so please attend at the start for the full two hours to get the most from the sessions. Attendance at the workshops must be booked in advance. To book a place at the workshops please email or call 01628 796187.

    Alternatively, people are welcome to simply turn up to view the plans and give feedback at drop-in sessions happening at Ascot Durning Library on Monday 26 February 11am to 1.30pm and Thursday 29 February, 2pm to 7pm. The exhibition boards will then stay on display at the library until 12 April.

    In the coming weeks, people will also be able to see information and share thoughts online via the above weblink, with the window for feedback staying open until 12 April.

Page last updated: 26 Apr 2024, 05:19 PM