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The Food Network met recently and discussed the idea of creating Winter Coat Swap events to support families that may be struggling at this time. The idea also supports sustainability in the local area.
The Baby Bank has held two events so far at the West Windsor Hub (Dedworth Road) and The Pump Room (Sawyers Close). The events proved successful and 11 local families were able to kit out their children with warm coats for this winter. The DASH Charity also attended the events to raise awareness on domestic violence.
The next Winter Coat Swap event will be held at Dedworth Library on 28th October as part of the library’s family craft day.

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Dr Bike events are designed to keep people’s bikes in safe and reliable condition.
The next session will be on the 10th October at The Swan in Windsor
Our mechanics spend approximately 30 mins on each bike, carrying out a light service and where necessary replacing consumable parts, and carrying out minor repairs.
When the work has been completed you’ll receive a report detailing all the work carried out on your bike, and any ‘advisory’ work that is beyond the scope of Dr Bike.
To help our qualified mechanics check as many bikes as possible, we ask that owners bring clean bikes in for the checks.
We check and adjust:
Brakes – calliper and cable adjustment, cable, and (if necessary) block replacement
Gears – indexing check and adjust and (if necessary) cable replacement
Chain – check for wear, lubricate if necessary
Tyres – puncture repair, inflated to recommended pressure (psi).
Plus – check nuts and bolts are secure; check headset and bottom bracket; check and replace missing bar plugs/cable end caps.
To register for the session: Dr Bike Registration – Maidenhead CycleHub