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Ever wanted to learn more about how the council works and help celebrate the fantastic work happening in our community? Look out for our brand-new Community Information Champions newsletter coming this May…
Each monthly issue will include:
- An interview with a Community Information Champion
- A feature on a different part of the council
- Spotlights on community projects and support groups
- A Q&A section
- A chance to win a monthly prize
- And much more!!
If you have any questions about the council structure or its processes or would like us to feature a community/support group you are part of, please get in touch with us and we may feature it in a future issue.
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On Wednesday 4th May, we held a celebration event at Windsor Guildhall for our Community Champions to thank them for all the fantastic work they have done over the last two years.
We had two brilliant talks by David and Louisa followed by some lunch and flipboard activities.
It was lovely to see our Champions in person and it was also helpful to gain an insight into how they see their role going forward!

Share Latest CoVID-19 message from David Scott, Head of Communities RBWM on Facebook
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I would like to begin by saying thank you for all those champions who have ‘signed up’ to help the Royal Borough with cascading key information to local residents. We know you collectively have a considerable reach into the community through your individual contacts, and we really appreciate you taking the time to cascade the key messages we have about COVID-19 to all your contacts, to help us get key messages out to people who might not otherwise hear about what we feel are really important updates about the virus.
For those who do not know me, I am David Scott and have worked at the borough for many years in a variety of roles. I am currently Head of Communities but also the Borough’s COVID-19 Coordinator, working with a range of colleagues and partners supporting our response to the ongoing challenges that COVID-19 still presents.
I felt it was important to share some really important messages, and ask everyone reading this to continue to share these with your contacts to help us get these points across. I hope you will continue to help and I am very grateful for your support.
Even if you have been vaccinated – you must still be COVID-19 safe. The vaccination programme continues to reach more and more of our adult population and although getting vaccinated is still one of the best ways to help us beat COVID-19, it does not make you invincible so we need everyone to continue to be COVID-19 safe. Even after having had both your vaccination jabs, you can still catch this virus and you can still spread it. Vaccination improves your chances of not being so unwell and reduces the likelihood of you spreading the virus to others, but please follow the basics of Hands, Face Space and Fresh Air, even though we are in Step 3 of the Government’s roadmap. Doing this will help reduce the risks for everyone. You, your family, your friends, and everyone in your community.
The latest Delta Variant - (what was originally known as the Indian Variant) is now the dominant variant in the community all around us. Being vaccinated will reduce the chances of you catching this variant, which is more transmissible so it is even more essential we do everything we can to try and stop community transmission. If you have been offered the vaccination, please take it. If you are uncertain for any reason about going to have you vaccination please let us know and we can talk you through any questions or doubts you may have. Getting both doses is also really important as the second does increases the effectiveness of the vaccination very significantly.
Testing - is still a really powerful way to reduce the risk of you spreading the virus without knowing. We recommend you take two tests each week to check you are not one of the ‘one in three people who have the virus but show no symptoms’. You can go to the test centres, collect tests from the community collect points, pharmacy collection points or even order home delivery kits. More details are our website:
Free testing for COVID-19 | Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead ( Whichever way you chose, getting tested regularly will ensure you don’t have the virus and are not spreading it. As we go out more, and do more thing with others, our families, our loved ones and our friends, it is even more important to keep testing to ensure you are virus free.
Avoid us needing enhanced community testing - You may have heard but all our neighbouring local authorities are undertaking enhanced community testing (formally known as surge) as they have seen increased levels of COVID-19 infections - particularly the Delta Variant. We don’t want to have to follow. Help us to keep infection rates low and cases of low. We are doing really well but need to work hard to keep this positive position.
Don’t let your guard down - We know some people feel they really have had enough of COVID-19 now, but we need your help to ensure everyone keeps their efforts going and we don’t let our guard down, individually or collectively. We are all in this together and we must keep going, if we are to beat this pandemic.
We also know that some of the community are no longer hearing the latest advice and so we are looking for new ways to get the messages across. If you feel you would be able to make a short video to share these key messages, we would be delighted if you could come forward so we can help, and you can tell our community why we must continue to staff safe and how we can best do that. If you have other ideas on how we can help keep everyone safe then please get in touch.
Thank you once again, lets beat this together.
David V. Scott
Head of Communities
Place Directorate
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Town Hall, St. Ives Road,
Maidenhead, SL6 1RF
Tel: 01628 796748
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