RBWM Innovation Fund Project

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Since 2022, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead and NHS Frimley have supported 47 unique community-led projects through the RBWM Innovation Fund. Just under £150,000 has been awarded to community groups across the Borough over four stages of the Fund.

We are very excited to announce that the Innovation Fund has reopened for applications and residents and groups can apply for up to £5,000 for their health & wellbeing project ideas.

Funding is available to any RBWM resident or group of any age no matter how big or small the idea.

Projects must continue to focus on 1 of the 4 areas below in line with the 4 key priorities within the RBWM’S Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2025:

  1. Improving access to services to better people’s health
  2. Social isolation & loneliness
  3. Health prevention to reduce risk factors
  4. Reduce mental or physical health inequalities

Please note that although we will accept applications for project ideas that address any of the priorities listed above, we are particularly interested in ideas related to:

  1. Unpaid Carers.
  2. People with learning disabilities.
  3. Addressing isolation and loneliness by improving community connections.
  4. Families, children & young people.

Key information:

  • Deadline for applications: midnight on 23rd July 2024
  • Project ideas must be sustainable. We will not consider one-off events or projects.
  • All project ideas will be reviewed by a panel consisting of representatives from the council, NHS Frimley and the voluntary & community sector.
  • To find out about projects that have been funded in the past, please look at the “Project Updates” tab below.
  • Please read through our guidelines (can be found under the Documents tab on the right hand side) before applying
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit monthly project updates and final case study towards the end of their project.

How to apply: (DEADLINE 23rd July 2024)

Download the application form on the right-hand side of the page, fill out, and email to Sumayyah Zeib: Sumayyah.Zeib@RBWM.gov.uk

Feel free to also share a brief description of your project idea using the tool below, and like / comment on other ideas.


Since 2022, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead and NHS Frimley have supported 47 unique community-led projects through the RBWM Innovation Fund. Just under £150,000 has been awarded to community groups across the Borough over four stages of the Fund.

We are very excited to announce that the Innovation Fund has reopened for applications and residents and groups can apply for up to £5,000 for their health & wellbeing project ideas.

Funding is available to any RBWM resident or group of any age no matter how big or small the idea.

Projects must continue to focus on 1 of the 4 areas below in line with the 4 key priorities within the RBWM’S Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2025:

  1. Improving access to services to better people’s health
  2. Social isolation & loneliness
  3. Health prevention to reduce risk factors
  4. Reduce mental or physical health inequalities

Please note that although we will accept applications for project ideas that address any of the priorities listed above, we are particularly interested in ideas related to:

  1. Unpaid Carers.
  2. People with learning disabilities.
  3. Addressing isolation and loneliness by improving community connections.
  4. Families, children & young people.

Key information:

  • Deadline for applications: midnight on 23rd July 2024
  • Project ideas must be sustainable. We will not consider one-off events or projects.
  • All project ideas will be reviewed by a panel consisting of representatives from the council, NHS Frimley and the voluntary & community sector.
  • To find out about projects that have been funded in the past, please look at the “Project Updates” tab below.
  • Please read through our guidelines (can be found under the Documents tab on the right hand side) before applying
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit monthly project updates and final case study towards the end of their project.

How to apply: (DEADLINE 23rd July 2024)

Download the application form on the right-hand side of the page, fill out, and email to Sumayyah Zeib: Sumayyah.Zeib@RBWM.gov.uk

Feel free to also share a brief description of your project idea using the tool below, and like / comment on other ideas.


Project Updates

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All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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    Kerith Revive, Windsor - CAP Debt Coach

    by Kerith Windsor, about 1 year ago
    Kerith Revive co-ordinates community focused activities and we are delighted to be partnering with the Innovation Fund to provide a CAP Debt Coach for Windsor.

    Currently we are recruiting for the role of coach then once training they will be supporting Windsor residents in their homes helping them start the journey to become debt-free.

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    Maidenhead Mosque Cycling Group

    about 1 year ago

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    by Odd One Out, about 1 year ago

    Odd One Out has supported young lads and in a short space of time there has been a huge interest in the project. The innovation funding has presented us with the opportunity to build on our aims and we have partnered up with Behind The White Lines which support young footballers integrate back into society after they are released from the academies. We have also participated in a football tournament to support raise awareness about mental health and met professional footballers such as Danny Rose and Yannick Bolasie!

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    Summer Cream Tea for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre.

    by The Jolly Codgers Lunch Club, about 1 year ago

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  • Share Fish 'n' Chip freebie for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre. on Facebook Share Fish 'n' Chip freebie for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre. on Twitter Share Fish 'n' Chip freebie for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre. on Linkedin Email Fish 'n' Chip freebie for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre. link

    Fish 'n' Chip freebie for the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club at the Woodlands Park Village Centre.

    by The Jolly Codgers Lunch Club, about 1 year ago

    Our lunch club members enjoying their freebie Fish 'n' Chips dinner and afternoon out at the Jolly Codgers Lunch Club, Woodlands Park Village Centre. The afternoon included Fish 'n' Chips followed by Ice Creams for Dessert and a game of bingo. The Club helps our members battle loneliness and build friendships in their local community. Many of our members have made new friends now meet up throughout the week for coffee, dinner etc. Pictures taken after lunch was served, as things get a little manic while serving out all those portions. A good day had by all.

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    Community Warm Space & All Souls Community Coffee Shop

    by aledpugh, about 1 year ago

    The community warm space and coffee shop is going brilliantly, we thoroughly enjoyed the visit by Nicky and Sumayyah last week, and appreciate all the support.

    We've now got groups filling up the week, making it an engaging, accessible, useful community space for all. A few weeks ago we launched the Share Fresh Food Bank on Friday afternoons, collecting near end date food from local supermarkets and making it available for those in need in the community.

    We're also looking to introduce a seated exercise class for later in the week.

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    Chatterbox bake off

    by Samantha Turner, about 1 year ago

    Last month we had a cupcake decorating masterclass for some of our members. This was held in Eton and thoroughly enjoyed by all.

    Our members were taught how to ice and then create shapes to decorate the cupcakes and were lucky enough to take these home afterwards!

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    Befriending and Older peoples social groups

    by Age Concern Windsor, about 1 year ago

    The original project was to run one to one telephone befriending as we found that a good number of people who had befriending during the pandemic were still looking for company. The group included people who were unable to get out or those who had very poor health. They really appreciated the call each week and didn’t want to stop as ti was still very difficult for them to go out.

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    Nature's Haven partners with the amazing volunteers at GoodGym

    by Nature's Haven, about 1 year ago

    On an expected stormy morning, which turned out to be muggy instead, four GoodGymmers made their way to help out Nature's Haven with setting up a community garden at the Youth & Community Centre.

    This is a wonderful group who are trying to build a sensory garden for the people who use the centre - youth and elderly alike. The plan for this morning was to create some raised planter beds.

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    ... Continue reading

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    by JonDavey, about 1 year ago

    (Video wouldn't add to this page for some reason... click here or on image above to watch me read out the report below... thank you.)

    When I saw the opportunity for funding for innovative ideas back in the spring of 2022 I just had to submit an application.

    I’d been working at Tescos since Covid impacted all our worlds and had been looking for a project to engage my creative energies. Looking in the mirror, I knew I needed to do something about my weight and I’m not alone ;)

    My original idea brought together healthy eating, expert support and... Continue reading

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 07:36 PM