World Cafes

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*RBWM World Cafes!*

What is a RBWM World Cafe?

  • An informal networking event where residents can have open conversations about what matters most to them, access relevant support and mingle with other residents/groups

We have now held a World Cafe style event in every ward across the Borough.

For each event we have compiled an evaluation and outcomes report that summarises the key themes and priorities that residents discussed and the actions that were taken post event.

The reports are available to view under the 'Documents' tab on the right

We are now working on the next steps of the programme and will use the World Cafe insights to generate sustainable resident-led solutions to the issues that matter most to residents. To find out more please visit our Innovation Fund page.

For an overview of each World Café event please see the 'Previous World Cafe's' tab below

For any questions, please email

*RBWM World Cafes!*

What is a RBWM World Cafe?

  • An informal networking event where residents can have open conversations about what matters most to them, access relevant support and mingle with other residents/groups

We have now held a World Cafe style event in every ward across the Borough.

For each event we have compiled an evaluation and outcomes report that summarises the key themes and priorities that residents discussed and the actions that were taken post event.

The reports are available to view under the 'Documents' tab on the right

We are now working on the next steps of the programme and will use the World Cafe insights to generate sustainable resident-led solutions to the issues that matter most to residents. To find out more please visit our Innovation Fund page.

For an overview of each World Café event please see the 'Previous World Cafe's' tab below

For any questions, please email

World Cafe Events

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  • Share Oldfield World Cafe - 26th July 2023 on Facebook Share Oldfield World Cafe - 26th July 2023 on Twitter Share Oldfield World Cafe - 26th July 2023 on Linkedin Email Oldfield World Cafe - 26th July 2023 link

    Oldfield World Cafe - 26th July 2023

    12 months ago

    Our final World Cafe was held on 26th July at Larchfield Community Centre.

    Despite the horrid weather, we had a good turnout and different stakeholders in attendance. Residents enjoyed talking to Citizens Advice, Men in Sheds, RBWM Libraries, TVP, Community Wardens, Younger People with Dementia, CLaSS, Social Prescribing

  • Share Pinkneys Green World Cafe - 3rd July 2023 on Facebook Share Pinkneys Green World Cafe - 3rd July 2023 on Twitter Share Pinkneys Green World Cafe - 3rd July 2023 on Linkedin Email Pinkneys Green World Cafe - 3rd July 2023 link

    Pinkneys Green World Cafe - 3rd July 2023

    12 months ago
    Our 19th World Cafe took place at St Marks Methodist Church on 3rd July. The event was attended by 22 residents and stakeholders.

    Residents especially enjoyed interacting with reps from Citizens Advice and finding out what cost of living support is available across the Borough.

  • Share Cox Green World Cafe - 10th June 2023 on Facebook Share Cox Green World Cafe - 10th June 2023 on Twitter Share Cox Green World Cafe - 10th June 2023 on Linkedin Email Cox Green World Cafe - 10th June 2023 link

    Cox Green World Cafe - 10th June 2023

    12 months ago
    Our 18th World Cafe took place on 10th June 2023 at Cox Green Community Centre.

    The event was well attended by stakeholders but only had a few residents. This is potentially due to the hot weather as well as the date as it clashed with school summer fairs in the area.

  • Share Bray World Cafe - 30th May 2023 on Facebook Share Bray World Cafe - 30th May 2023 on Twitter Share Bray World Cafe - 30th May 2023 on Linkedin Email Bray World Cafe - 30th May 2023 link

    Bray World Cafe - 30th May 2023

    12 months ago
    Our 17th World Cafe took place on 30th May at Holyport Memorial Hall. The event was attended by a variety of stakeholders such as Citizens Advice, Adult learning, Social Prescribing, BBOWT

    There were warm kits available for residents to take home which provide free energy advice as well as a hot water bottle, thermal socks, gloves and hat

  • Share Riverside World Cafe - 19th May 2023 on Facebook Share Riverside World Cafe - 19th May 2023 on Twitter Share Riverside World Cafe - 19th May 2023 on Linkedin Email Riverside World Cafe - 19th May 2023 link

    Riverside World Cafe - 19th May 2023

    about 1 year ago

    Our 16th World Cafe took place on 19th May at Riverside Children's Centre. The event coincided with women's group already taking place at the centre and the focus of the day was emotional wellbeing and cost of living support.

    62 residents and stakeholders were in attendance. Stand holders at the event included: Social Prescribing, Solutions 4 Health, RBWM Libraries, Natures Haven, Maidenhead FC, Men in Sheds, Green Doctor and Adult Learning

    There were freebies and goodies for residents to take home including Warm Kits from Green Doctor

  • Share Boyn Hill World Cafe - 4th March 2023 on Facebook Share Boyn Hill World Cafe - 4th March 2023 on Twitter Share Boyn Hill World Cafe - 4th March 2023 on Linkedin Email Boyn Hill World Cafe - 4th March 2023 link

    Boyn Hill World Cafe - 4th March 2023

    about 1 year ago
    Our 15th World Cafe event took place at All Saints Church. We had 47 people in attendance.

    Residents enjoyed mingling with reps from different organisations such as Optalis Front Door Team, Solutions 4 Health, Social Prescribing, Healthwatch, Men in Sheds and more!

    There were also free warm kits for residents to take away, kindly provided by the Green Doctor

  • Share Netball Post installed as a result of World Cafe discussion on Facebook Share Netball Post installed as a result of World Cafe discussion on Twitter Share Netball Post installed as a result of World Cafe discussion on Linkedin Email Netball Post installed as a result of World Cafe discussion link

    Netball Post installed as a result of World Cafe discussion

    about 1 year ago

    Our fourth World Café took place at New Windsor Community Association in August 2022 and was targeted towards young people in Windsor.

    At the event we met a young netball player who would train with her mother every day on the courts just outside the centre. The courts did not have a fixed netball hoop, so they both had to carry their own hoop up and down several sets of stairs in their building in order to practise every day.

    After seeing them practising, we invited them to join us for the World Café event where they shared their concerns... Continue reading

  • Share Old Windsor World Cafe - Saturday 4th February 2023 on Facebook Share Old Windsor World Cafe - Saturday 4th February 2023 on Twitter Share Old Windsor World Cafe - Saturday 4th February 2023 on Linkedin Email Old Windsor World Cafe - Saturday 4th February 2023 link

    Old Windsor World Cafe - Saturday 4th February 2023

    over 1 year ago

    Our 14th RBWM World Cafe took place on the 4th February at the Memorial Hall in Old Windsor alongside Abri Housing providing residents with advice and support. A variety of stalls were present such as a smoking cessation services (Solutions4Health), social prescribing team, libraries, local police community support and information on adult learning classes.

    Other offers included support from DraughtBusters (RBWM innovation fund applicant, stage 2). They will fix the draughts in residents home for FREE so residents should feel warmer and spend less money on their heating. This a service offered BY local residents FOR local residents. Draughty homes... Continue reading

  • Share Sunningdale World Cafe - Friday 27th January 2023 on Facebook Share Sunningdale World Cafe - Friday 27th January 2023 on Twitter Share Sunningdale World Cafe - Friday 27th January 2023 on Linkedin Email Sunningdale World Cafe - Friday 27th January 2023 link

    Sunningdale World Cafe - Friday 27th January 2023

    over 1 year ago

    Our 13th RBWM World Cafe took place on the 27th January 2023 at the Pavilion Community Hall in Sunningdale and was well attended and very successful!

    The World Cafe joined the Citizen's Advice Bureau regular advice session for the Sunningdale community. There was a good turn out of residents who enjoyed chatting to a variety of stakeholders (including the Library, Health Watch, Neighborhood Watch, Carers support, PCOS's, Community Wardens and Food Bank) and gaining advice and support. This was a really valuable session with invaluable feedback, whilst supporting residents to connect to services with some fantastic ideas, solutions and collaboration... Continue reading

  • Share Furze Platt World Cafe - Saturday 21st January 2023 on Facebook Share Furze Platt World Cafe - Saturday 21st January 2023 on Twitter Share Furze Platt World Cafe - Saturday 21st January 2023 on Linkedin Email Furze Platt World Cafe - Saturday 21st January 2023 link

    Furze Platt World Cafe - Saturday 21st January 2023

    over 1 year ago

    Our 12th RBWM World Cafe took place on the 21st January 2023 at the Memorial Hall in Furze Platt and was a great success!

    There were a range of stands providing guidance and support around the cost of living including the Library, Health Watch, Social Prescribing, Baby Bank, Men in Sheds and Cookham Footprint, Adult Learning Classes support and Housing Solutions. Other offers included support from DraughtBusters (RBWM innovation fund applicant, stage 2). They will fix the draughts in residents home for FREE so residents should feel warmer and spend less money on their heating. This a service offered BY... Continue reading

Page last updated: 28 May 2024, 03:27 PM